RH Online

Regression Technique Sessions

Regression Healing™

Your RegressionHealing™ Online Session

What to expect?

  1. Make a list of important questions 3 to 5 typically, (they must be your own personal questions and not those of a friend or partner.)
  2. Make a list of any aliments that you wish to address or heal.
  3. Make sure you have 4 hours spare for the Regression Healing™ Session and consolidation quiet time following.

For the SKYPE Session

  1. NON Wi-Fi headphones  + microphone for a laptop / Desktop computer.
  2. A NON Wi-Fi Internet Connection
  3. You must have a wired “RJ45” connection to the internet (most Internet Hubs provide RJ45 cables
  4. You will require a SKYPE Account for ‘free’ Internet calls to your computer.

RJ45 Ethernet Cable