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Graham: Profile with personal Experience

Graham works for the greater good of humanity, through Neutral and Universal Principles with love at the centre of his spiritual understanding and way of life.

He first looked at Spiritual life from reading books like ‘The Celestine Prophesy’ James Redfield. Working with an understanding of mechanisms, body feedback and general energy flow Graham works to return the clients body mind and soul to a state of free flowing life energy, a true state of bliss, so people can carry out their lives with clarity and a clear mind. Energy bodywork is at the heart of his work.

Graham lives with his wife, Lyn, in Charmouth, West Dorset England; they have been married for 46 years and have two children, now in their forties. They continue to travel and explore our amazing world for the fine subtle spiritual energy connections.

Travelling to Arizona in 2004 and visiting Grandfather Martin a Hopi Elder and Sedona.

New Zealand in 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007 to connect with the Maori, Egypt in 2005 and 2009 visiting the Pyramids and Temples.

Graham and Lyn completed the Polarity training in 2003, studying Past Life hypnotherapy in 2002 and in 2004.

The Energy work continued with Reyad Sekh Em, Egyptian Reiki, adding a complete understanding of Energy and the Human Body.

Neutral Space is becoming a defining model for energy medicine because it offers a comprehensive and specific model along with the Ayurvedic Model of the Human Energy System. The Energy model describes in detail the various patterns and features of the human energy field, and provides valuable therapeutic approaches to each dimension of the human experience.

Quantum Healing Hypnosis is an amazing way to bring awareness forward, to bring allowing forward and to bring love forward. Having worked with Dolores Cannon Hypnosis Techniques for over a decade, these sessions are shown to be a proven and valuable way of allowing, realising that the body and mind connection can work together for love and joy to hold true.



 on QHHT

Dolores Cannon and Graham