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QHHT Hypnosis Technique Sessions

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Learn More Lyn Whiteman - Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique Advanced Practitioner Graham Whiteman - Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique Advanced Practitioner

Example Questions for your session

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To book your Healing Hypnosis  Session:

Phone Lyn or Graham  

07780 705 684

Charges based on £70 / hour.

Normal session can last

Four to five hours


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Terms of Business and Disclaimer for  booking a session of Quantum Healing Hypnosis.

PLTA Lyn Whiteman Member (Dorset / Devon)

For your session  call: +44 (0)7780705684

Regression Healing™ Click

for more information  

Quantum Healing Hypnosis - The bridge to the Space Required


Welcome Text for Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique by Graham and Lyn Whiteman Session PLTA Lyn Whiteman Member (Sussex)

Information on QHHT

QHHT® - Past Life Hypnosis

Dolores Cannon Technique

Graham and Lyn first attended a lecture with  and met Dolores Cannon during 2002 in Axminster, Devon, after which they chose to study firstly, with Dr. Keith Hearne European College of Hypnotherapy - London, and then with the Dolores’ course, as she used a special technique for her deep regressions.

All of the work is focused on creating a resolution for a recurring problem(s) that a client may currently have through hypno-therapeutic relaxation techniques.

Further study has been done with Dolores Cannon (US)(1931-2014)  who taught her unique way of regressing clients to achieve a certain level of sub-conscious connection.

Lyn and Graham studied to achieve the first Diploma in Hypnotherapy in 2002 ECH, this Diploma enabled their studies to continue onwards in 2004 with the Dolores Cannon technique.

Does what has happened in the past

influence our present, every day lives?

Do you sometimes wonder where a certain habit, fear, or other unusual behaviour comes from? Why do we think we've been somewhere before?  Perhaps we have!

This work enables the curiosity of being able to view information which can assist in unlocking doors in your mind that open other worlds, worlds that were yours in another time, allowing transformation.


What is Quantum Healing?

It is healing that takes place at the sub level of cellular structure by allowing an awareness and connection with the ‘sub-conscious’ level to bring about change. Quantum Healing is relaxing and amazing to experience.

Does a what has happened in the past influence our present, every day lives?

Do you sometimes wonder where a certain habit, fear, or other unusual behaviour comes from? Why do we think we've been somewhere before?  Perhaps we have!

This work enables the curiosity of being able to view information which can assist in unlocking doors in your mind that open other worlds, worlds that were yours in another time.

Example Questions for your session


“I had never explored past lives before and wondered if ……”

“…we were able to explore aspects of my previous experiences and aspects of my life that were concerning me and get extraordinary answers.”

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Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique